Ahsan, M.2025-01-182025-01-1820052025Ahsan, M. (2005), Post-9/11 Islamophobia: Promoting Interfaith Harmony and Global Peace, IPRI Journal, V-1: 1-26https://repository.iou.edu.gm/handle/123456789/46The post-9/11 situation has brought several changes in the world and there are winners and losers in this process. Unfortunately, the Muslim World is one of the main losers in this regard. This situation does not help in bringing global peace and prosperity; rather, it creates more problems. This paper is an effort to analyse this situation. It argues that the global media is an important source of informal education. But unfortunately it is dominated by major global players and they use it to influence global opinion by defaming Islam and Muslims. Although this piece of research acknowledges some pro-Islamic views reported in the global media, they are well in minority and thus do not influence the global opinion. This strategy is not helpful in promoting global peace when on several occasions Islam has been branded a violent religion while Muslims are labelled as terrorists. This short piece of research highlights the need for concrete measures and suggests some steps that can be taken for the building of mutual confidence between the Muslim and the non-Muslim world.enPost-9/11 Islamophobia: Promoting Interfaith Harmony and Global PeaceArticle