Implementation Of Prophetic Motivational Strategies On Online Students

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International Open University (IOU)


Modernization and globalization have caused a paradigm shift in student education from a face-to-face traditional classroom setting to an online environment. Instructors are increasingly adopting motivational strategies suitable for online studies. Motivation is the key element in keeping students focused and to prevent them from dropping out of online studies. The present study is aimed at exploring pedagogical motivational strategies utilized by Prophet Muḥammad (ﷺ) on his companions from authentic Ḥadīth and implementing the extracted motivational strategies on online students. The motivation of students must be kept high in order to keep pace with development, to counter its gradual decrease over a period of time. A conceptual framework for the motivation of students is formulated by tailoring Western theories in compliance with motivational strategies implemented by Prophet Muḥammad (ﷺ). Overall, this study encourages online instructors to implement Prophetic motivational strategies on students.


