Statistics for The International Open University

Total visits

Relationship between Mental Health, Emotional Intelligence and Religiosity of Muslim Students: A Mixed Method Study 79
Lexical Parsing Of The Ten Qira`āt With Machine Learning And Natural Language Processing 41
Verbal Semantics in Islamic Jurisprudence: ʿAbd Al-Raḥmān Nāṣir Al-Siʿdī’s Contributions to The Study of Dalālāt Al-Alfāẓ 10
Assessing the effects of family conflicts on children's development in the Huye district of Rwanda and the need for social work interventions 9
The Ummah and Global Challenges: Re-organising the OIC 6
Teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers Remotely: The International Open University as a Model 5
Work Motivation and Emotional Intelligence as Correlates of Secondary School Teachers’ Productivity in South Western Nigeria 4