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Women’s Empowerment- An Islamic Perspective
(International Open University (IOU), 2021) Salama, M. A. R.; Abdel-Tawab K.
Women's empowerment has become one of the central themes in the ongoing debate between Islam and secularism regarding women's role and status in society. Liberal Islamists embrace women's empowerment and promote it in Muslim societies without a thorough assessment from an Islamic perspective. Women's empowerment has not received a sufficient response from the Islamic scholarship. This work attempts to lay down the foundations for addressing the current gap in that response. Toward that end, this work employs a qualitative approach. It utilizes secondary sources of information to analyze women's empowerment and critique the main approaches employed to promote it in Muslim societies. This work then provides an Islamic assessment of women's empowerment and concludes with recommendations for further work.
Implementation Of Prophetic Motivational Strategies On Online Students
(International Open University (IOU), 2022) Kotekar F.; Salama, M. A. R.
Modernization and globalization have caused a paradigm shift in student education from a face-to-face traditional classroom setting to an online environment. Instructors are increasingly adopting motivational strategies suitable for online studies. Motivation is the key element in keeping students focused and to prevent them from dropping out of online studies. The present study is aimed at exploring pedagogical motivational strategies utilized by Prophet Muḥammad (ﷺ) on his companions from authentic Ḥadīth and implementing the extracted motivational strategies on online students. The motivation of students must be kept high in order to keep pace with development, to counter its gradual decrease over a period of time. A conceptual framework for the motivation of students is formulated by tailoring Western theories in compliance with motivational strategies implemented by Prophet Muḥammad (ﷺ). Overall, this study encourages online instructors to implement Prophetic motivational strategies on students.
Reconstructing Society in the Light of Sūrat al-Ḥujurāt: Protecting Society from Malicious Tongue
(2023) Hossain, A. D.; Salama, M. A. R.
Muslims are faced with many issues, including the malicious use of the tongue, that challenge their social cohesion. Considering the gravity of this matter, this work explores the path towards social reform by infusing the values of Sūrat al-Ḥujurāt into society leveraging the mechanisms of social reconstruction philosophy. In particular, it analyses verses 11 and 12 of Sūrat al-Ḥujurāt which primarily discuss tongue-related social ills such as backbiting, ridiculing, and name-calling; they also illustrate a process of self-development that can facilitate mutual respect and brotherhood thereby minimizing the likeliness of internal conflicts of the Muslims. This work utilizes a qualitative study, which demonstrates that Sūrat al-Ḥujurāt is instrumental in protecting society from the ills of the tongue.
Reconciliation As an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Solving Matrimonial Conflict Among Nigerian Muslim Organizations in London
(2023) Abiodun, F. K.; Salama, M. A. R.
The main objective of this paper was to empirically explore reconciliation as a mechanism for alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in addressing matrimonial conflict among Nigerian Muslim Organizations in London. Quantitative research design was employed in this study. The population of the research comprised members of Nigerian Muslims organizations in London and the sample of 211 was selected. The questionnaire was used as instrument of data collected. The analyses of the data collected were done using descriptive statistics and multiple regression through Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 23.0. The results demonstrated that the majority of the respondents strongly indicated that the Nigerian Muslim Organizations in London have significant roles to play in utilizing reconciliation for solving matrimonial issues. In addition, the results of multiple regression showed that, in order to determine the variance of the roles of Nigerian Muslim Organizations in London regarding solving matrimonial issues as dependent variable as being shown in the model in connection with the three main variables (i.e., reconciliation, Islamic law and customary law), the value of R-Square shows 82.5% of variance concerning the roles of Nigerian Muslim Organizations in London in addressing matrimonial issues. Based on this value, the model suggests that, the Council of Nigerian Muslim Organizations has been doing the needful in solving the challenge of matrimonial dispute among Muslims. Practically, the application of ADR would significantly and drastically reduce the rate of matrimonial challenges that eventually lead to divorce. The originality and value of this study can be manifested from the use of empirical data to substantiate the discourse of the study of most of previous studies focused on propagation activities of Nigerian Muslim Organizations in London. It is therefore recommended that; the leaders of various Muslim Organizations among Nigerians in London should sensitize members on the implications of matrimonial issues and consequences of divorces on the wellbeing of parents as well as their wards.
Understanding Arabic Language: A Guard For The Believer’s Aqīdah
(International Open University (IOU), 2023) Dabarako F.M.; Salama, M. A. R.
The role of the Arabic language in the adequate reception of the message of Islam is indispensable. Allāh mentions in many places in the Qurʾān that the Qurʾān is in the Arabic language, revealed to the Messenger (ﷺ) in the language of his people that they may comprehend it. For any Muslim to know Allāh the Almighty and appreciate His powers and attributes, and consequently have faith with certainty, he or she must attain knowledge of the Arabic language which correctly conveys the intended meanings of the message from the Lord to His servants. Although excellent translation works are available that aid non-Arabs to establish a contact point with the Qurʾān, the impact of receiving Allāh’s message in its original language far exceeds what translation works can provide. The Arabic language is broad, rich and eloquent in a manner that causes it to excel over all other languages. It is for this reason that many scholars in the past and present consider learning the Arabic language an individual obligation. Every Muslim is required to know the language of the Qurʾān as much as he needs to discharge his obligations as a Muslim. Many Muslims today read the Qurʾān daily but have little time to read translations or an in-depth explanation of the Qurʾān. Thus, the reading is usually for the purpose of receiving blessings and the chances of receiving the Message of Allāh and implementing the same, are lost in the process. This research uses the qualitative approach and is exploratory in nature, as it analyzes texts from the Qurʾān and Aḥādīth, including classical texts, to shed light on the importance of teaching Muslims the Arabic language. The results are discussed thematically to highlight the need for Muslims to learn the language of the Qurʾān in order to secure their beliefs and have certainty of faith.