Faculty Research and Publications

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    Building Children Character in Islamic Education
    (Jurnal Review Pendidikan dan Pengajaran., 2023) Amalia, Fina
    Pendidikan karakter adalah pendidikan yang berfokus untuk mengembangkan kepribadian baik pada diri anak. Pendidikan karakter bertujuan untuk membentuk kepribadian baik yang bertanggung jawab, berakhlakul karimah, bermoral, bertoleransi, dan kepribadian baik lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana membentuk karakter anak dengan prespektif islam guna mencetak generasi yang berakhlakul karimah Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah studi pustaka atau library research dimana penulis melakukan tahap yang berkenaan dengan metode pengumpulan, membaca dan mencatat serta mengolah data pustaka sebagai bahan penelitiannya. Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini yaitu pendidikan islam memiliki pengaruh yang cukup banyak dalam pembentukan karakter anak. Ketika anak mendapatkan pembekalan yang cukup mengenai syariat-syariat ajaran yang diyakininya, anak akan tumbuh dan berkembang menjadi pribadi yang beriman serta bertaqwa kepada Allah SWT, berakhlak mulia yang mencakup moral, etika, budi pekerti spiritual atau pengalaman nilai dan pemahaman nilai-nilai keagamaan yang diaktualisasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya.
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    Development of Online Degree During the Pandemic; Case Study on the Role of International Open University in Indonesia
    (Academia Letters, 2021) Maspul, Kurniawan Arif; Amalia, Fina
    Education is a crucial individual need, regardless of the level of wealth and status in society (Ogbu, 1983; Subotnik et al., 2011). As through a circular from the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2020 by Nadiem Makarim urging him to cancel the teaching and learning process during the pandemic. Shifting habits that are formally run traditionally in the classroom now have to be done online. Moreover, Indonesia has had impromptu online lectures for the past year, and each has a different application in conveying the teaching and learning process. Even their names are different, such as online learning, e-learning, online lectures (Arifani, 2021; Faisal, 2021; Syamsuddin et al., n.d.). Meanwhile, seeing the current state of the pandemic in Indonesia is pretty alarming; from 2020 until now, the nation's economic condition has fallen apprehensively (Peterman et al., 2020; Sparrow et al., 2020). This has negatively affected the development of education in Indonesia, where significant dropouts and discontinued studies occurred. On the other hand, there are several challenges for students who need quite a long time in adapting to online lectures that have been implemented for the past year (Teräs et al., 2020; Yarrow et al., 2020). In the current pandemic conditions, it is necessary for students or prospective students who want to continue their studies to see the costs incurred in participating in teaching and learning activities at a higher school level. Likewise, it is appropriate for universities to follow the current conditions, namely reducing costs for students who want to continue their studies at the undergraduate level (Chang & Fisher, 200
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    Character education and value re-orientation: Quest for the control of insecurity in Nigeria
    (Journal of Language and Culture in Education,, 2024) Solomon, O.; Abalaka, A. H.; Muraina, K. O.
    The presence of gross insecurity and lack of value for human lives and the decay in moral values have birthed anti-social behaviors. This study examined the relationship between character education and value reorientation as a means for the control of insecurity in Nigeria. The study adopted a correlation research design, the sample of the study consisted of one hundred and eighty-one (181) participants. The study reported that character education should be built into the Nigerian curriculum as a subject of study in schools and school counselors and educational psychologists should be facilitated to organize seminars and conferences in schools on value reorientation about changes in values and human behavior. The originality of this study lies in the correlation of character education and value reorientation in the quest for the control of insecurity in Nigeria. The results of this study asserted the inculcation of character education into Nigerian schools' curriculum with the components of value reorientation. The finding of this study is pertinent to the government, private school proprietors, curriculum developers, textbook writers, and individuals in our collective quest for the control of insecurity in Nigeria
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    An Analytical Review of Pakistan's Educational Policies and Plans
    (Research Papers in Education Policy and Practice, 2003) Ahsan, M.
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    Effect of two instructional strategies on students achievement at selected abstract concepts: A case study on biology learning in Kwara State, Nigeria
    (Journal of Pedagogy and Education Science, 2024) Adewumi, G. S.; Akanbi, A. A.; Muraina, K. O.
    This study determined the effects of two instructional strategies (Project and Inquiry) on students' achievement in selected abstract concepts of Biology. The study adopted the pretest-posttest control group, a quasi-experimental design. 120 SS II Biology students from six co-educational schools in two Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Kwara state were randomly selected. Participants were randomly assigned to treatment groups. The instruments used were: the Biology Student Achievement Test (r= 0.88) and Teachers Instructional guides on Project and Inquiry strategies. Two hypotheses were formulated and tested at a 0.05 level of significance. The data collected were analyzed using analysis of covariance, the treatment had a significant main effect on students' achievement on some selected abstract concepts in Biology (F (2, 107)= 12.061; p< 0.05, partial ?2= 0.184). Project strategy (PS) treatment group 1 has the highest adjusted mean achievement scores (x ?= 23.21) than those in the Inquiry Strategy (IS) treatment group11 (x ?= 17.81) and the students in the Conventional Strategy (CS) control group have the lowest adjusted mean achievement scores (x ?= 17.20). This order is represented as PS> IS> CS. The male students showed greater improvements in mean gain of achievement scores by 21.94 and female students by 17.13. Based on the findings Project and Inquiry strategies should be adopted for the improvement of students' achievement in abstract concepts in biology.
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    Islamic studies teachers' acceptance of mobile learning in Ilorin South Local Government Area of Kwara State, Nigeria
    (Al-Mudarris: Journal of Education, 2024) Muhammad-Jamiu, I.; Muraina, K. O.
    The increased accessibility to mobile networks coupled with a decrease in the cost of mobile devices has significant implications for transforming the educational instructional environment, particularly in the area of m-learning. Against this background, the study examined Islamic Studies teachers' acceptance of mobile learning in Ilorin South Local Government Area of Kwara State, Nigeria. Descriptive research method was adopted for this study. The population for this study was all Islamic studies teachers in Ilorin South Local Government Area of Kwara State Nigeria. One hundred and twenty teachers of Islamic Studies were selected as respondents for this study using purposive sampling technique. A researcher- designed questionnaire was used. Research questions were answered using mean and percentage at an alpha level of 0.05. Finding of this study revealed that the level of acceptance of mobile phones in teaching of Islamic studies in Ilorin South Local Government Area of Kwara State, Nigeria was high 115 (95.8%). Teachers of Islamic studies used mostly Internet, Video Camera, Taking Note and others respectively. Teachers of Islamic studies also used of mobile phones application very frequently, frequently, sometimes, and not at all teaching and learning of Islamic studies. Based on these findings, the study concluded that the level of acceptance of mobile phones in teaching of Islamic studies in Ilorin South Local Government Area of Kwara State, Nigeria was high. The study recommended based on the findings that government at all levels should assist in the provision of more modern mobile phones in secondary schools for teaching of Islamic Studies.
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    Effects of flipped classroom teaching strategy on pupils motivation and achievement in numeracy in nursery schools in Abuja, Nigeria
    (International Research Journal of Science, 2024) Muraina, K. O.; Solomon, O. D.; Omolara, O.; Oduola, O. Z.
    The need for alternate teaching strategies in nursery schools in Nigerian federal capital territory triggered this study, the study investigated the effects of flipped classroom teaching strategy on Pupils' motivation in numeracy and achievement in nursery schools in Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC) Abuja, Nigeria. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The quasi-experimental research design was used for the study. The population of the study consisted of nursery two (2) pupils of 2022/2023 academic session of AMAC numbering 6,498. The sample size for the study consisted of 127 (51 Males and 76 Females) drawn from six intact classes in the six area councils. Simple random sampling was used to draw six intact classes from the six area councils in the F.C.T. Situation Motivation Scale (SMS) and Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) were the instruments used for data collection. Cronbach Alpha formula was used to measure the internal consistency of (SMS), which yielded a reliability estimate of 0 .72. Kuder-Richardson formula 20 (K-R 20) determined the reliability of (MAT), which yielded a reliability estimate of 0.73. Mean, standard
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    Integrating world experience through interdisciplinary learning in Nigerian universities
    (ASEAN Journal of Educational Research and Technology, 2024) Muraina, K. O.; Musa, H. A.; Tinuke, K. R.
    In the current context, higher education faces the challenge of preparing future professionals to respond to society's increasingly complex problems. However, the search for solutions means adopting new ways of working that promote multidimensionality through collaboration and an interdisciplinary outlook. Despite the advances made in interdisciplinary research, innovation development, and interdisciplinary teamwork, however, the implementation of this approach in higher education is still very slow, and further efforts are required. This article considers the opportunities for an interdisciplinary approach to student learning in university settings. In Nigeria, it is common knowledge that the educational system in it is not what it ought to be. This is evidenced by the fact that, above all, a good number of graduates from this system are unemployable, leading to so many ills in society. It is not unconnected with this fact that national policy on education was formulated to correct the anomaly. A juxtaposition of the policy with the state of higher education in Nigeria shows that the policy is far from actualizing its ends. The paper, therefore, suggested that core subjects should be integrated into the curriculum across levels that involve interdisciplinary learning in Nigerian universities.
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    Education inclusiveness among children with learning disabilities in Nigeria: Implications for counseling
    (Multidisciplinary Humane Perspectives on Education, 2024) Muraina, K. O.
    Education is seen as the cornerstone of every development forming the basis for literacy, skill acquisition and technological advancement, as well as the ability to harness the natural resources of the state. Participants in the World Conference on Education for All pointed out that education is a fundamental right of all people of all ages throughout the world. Learning disabilities occur when the learning process is hampered due to problems within the central nervous system which results in an inconsistency between the individual's intelligence quotient and academic achievement. Education for All programmes emanating from UNICEF, UNESCO and the World Bank have had some positive results for non-disabled children. School enrolment and literacy rates have risen in almost all countries to date; however, the same cannot be said for children with disabilities. Despite the numerous meetings, declarations and encouraging developments that have followed over the years, this progress has certainly not been matched. The development of education inclusiveness can be viewed in three stages: segregation, integration and education inclusiveness. Successful inclusion is less to do with the individual factor such as amount of support for the child; rather, it is the interaction of certain key factors that brings about the likelihood of a more successful inclusion outcome for the child. Children
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    Civic value and political interest as determinants of political participation among primary school teachers in Oyo State
    (Pedagogi: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 2024) Muraina, K. O.; Maruf, M. K.; Omolare, O.
    The purpose of this study was to examine civic value and political interest as determinants of political participation among primary school teachers in Oyo state. Five hundred participants constituted the study's sample out of which only 476 were used after data administration. Both the independent and dependent variables were measured with validated instruments with 0.91 reliability co-efficient and the data obtained was analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) Statistical method. Two research hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The result showed that there was significant relationship between civic value and political participation among primary school teachers (r=. 813; p< 0.05) as well as between political interest and political participation among primary school teachers (r=. 701; p< 0.05). The implication of this showed that civic value and political interest had significant impacts on political participation among primary school teachers. In view of these findings, it was recommended that educational stakeholders should intensify their effort to institute a culture of civic value in the institution so as to improve on the level of political participation among primary school teachers.
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    Locating, outlining and assessing the role of conflicting pressures in higher institutions through a psycho-philosophical analysis
    (Multidisciplinary Humane Perspectives on Education, 2024) Muraina, K. O.; Ugwuanyi, L. O.
    The purpose of this study was to examine civic value and political interest as determinants of political participation among primary school teachers in Oyo state. Five hundred participants constituted the study's sample out of which only 476 were used after data administration. Both the independent and dependent variables were measured with validated instruments with 0.91 reliability co-efficient and the data obtained was analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) Statistical method. Two research hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The result showed that there was significant relationship between civic value and political participation among primary school teachers (r= .813; p<0.05) as well as between political interest and political participation among primary school teachers (r= .701; p<0.05). The implication of this showed that civic value and political interest had significant impacts on political participation among primary school teachers. In view of these findings, it was recommended that educational stakeholders should intensify their effort to institute a culture of civic value in the institution so as to improve on the level of political participation among primary school teachers.